
Our Story

Welcome to Eklohaar!
I'm Neetika, the founder of Eklohaar. Our brand embodies the spirit of craftsmanship, offering premium soy-based candles and a curated selection of Paudin knives. Eklohaar, meaning "ironsmith," reflects our dedication to quality in everything we create.
My journey began with a desire for a soothing, peaceful home atmosphere. Concerned about commercial candle ingredients, I started making my own. Our candles are crafted to be safe, high-quality, and beneficial for mental health, providing moments of peace in your busy life.
Alongside our candles, we offer Paudin knives, blending traditional craftsmanship with modern precision to elevate your culinary experience.
At Eklohaar, we bring serenity and craftsmanship into your home. Thank you for choosing Eklohaar. I hope our products bring joy and tranquility to your life.

Our Fragrances

We strive for the safest supplies and ingredients for our company, and fragrance is one of the most essential components of a candle. All our fragrance oils are free from carcinogens, phthalates, parabens, and other hazardous chemicals commonly found in other fragrance oils. 

Our Wax

We use only the highest quality all-natural soy wax sourced in India. Our wax creates candles with a smooth, opaque finish & providing many environmental advantages. It's non-toxic, biodegradable, and clean burning. 

Our Wicks

We have chosen 100% lead-free cotton wicks to ensure a beautiful, consistent burn for our candles. 

Our Knives

We proudly offer Paudin knives at Eklohaar. These premium knives blend traditional craftsmanship with modern precision, ensuring exceptional sharpness, durability, and comfort. Elevate your culinary experience with Paudin knives from Eklohaar.